The Vaal River is unsuitable for fishing currently. We’ll return as soon as there has been some substantial rainfall and the river has been properly flushed (pun intended). The silver lining is that we are kinda forced to explore other fishing venues, places we want to visit but never have the time.
One such place is Koppies Dam. We always see it discussed and this gave us the perfect opportunity to find out what all the fuss is about. We only stayed for one night but we saw enough to ensure we’ll return soon for a proper session.
So as usual we booked the one weekend where a cold front was approaching and we were met by strong winds at Koppies Dam. Luckily our chalet (#7) had a sheltered outside area which neutralised the northern wind. Unfortunately the small fishing spot allocated was over some boulders which made things quite difficult.

But we soldiered on and were rewarded with a few small yellowfish and a feisty carp before the wind and cold drove us to the chalet.

The cute little dassies were a treat, probably the tamest ones I’ve ever seen, they are clearly fed by all the visitors. Top tip: always have someone near your setup, if you give them half a chance they’ll feast on whatever bait you have lying around.

We were pleasantly surprised by the state of the chalets. Not the best we’ve ever stayed at but we weren’t expecting much so it was pretty good.
Most of them have porches with excellent views over the dam. And inside you have everything you need including a fireplace. We had a tv but I don’t think all of them have one.

Have a look at the video below to see a quick walkthrough.
In terms of fishing spots though not all the chalets were equal. In fact from what I saw only two of them are ideal, #9 and #8. They each have a little bay allocated which is perfect for fishing. #10 looks ok but you’ll have to share with #9 which could get cramped. And #7 (ours) is fine but not great.

From #6 to #1 it looked like things get even harder, very rocky and cramped. If you’re not fishing though those are great, they have the best views.

The wind and the allocated spot hampered us a bit but the chalets were surprisingly comfortable. We still caught a few fish which says a lot about the potential of this place.
All fish were caught on either plain or banana flavoured floaties. And not very deep either.
(1 day)
carp x1 (medium)
yellowfish x4 (small)
Koppies dam is fantasties. Ek was al baie kere daar en het elke keer het ek dit vreeslik baie geniet. Nou dat die Vaaldam en Vaalrivier so erg besoedel is sal ek maar meer kere Koppies toe moet gaan.
Ja, ons het dit baie geniet, maar ons besoek was net te kort. Ons sal ‘n ordentlike trip reel binnekort. Ek hoor wel die kampeer plekke is huidiglik toe (maar die chalets is nog oop). Sal dit eers moet bevestig.
Good afternoon,
I have been trying since the second week in January to do a booking at Koppies dam in the Log Cabins, I need to book 2 of them for the 19th April(in) to the 22April(out).
The number I have which seems to be the only number available for you guys, am surely out of order, as it does not ring through.
Trust to hear from you soon.
Have you tried the numbers on this page? That’s what we used to book at Koppies Dam at the fishing chalets.
Let me know if you still have a problem.
I also can’t get hold of anyone on those numbers. Any alternative numbers?
I’m so sorry Laura, we only have those as well. I’ll try to find another one and get back to you…
Can I please have have contact details for Sterfontein Dam
I have been trying to get the contact details of Sterfontein Dam. Listed contact are never answered
Hi Peter, have you tried +27 82 441 3709. That’s the number we used in the past…
Hy how much to pay for entrance for fishing
Hi Plas,
Sorry, but we are not sure anymore, we haven’t been to Koppies Dam for a year. Maybe try the number on the site. Hopefully, they will be able to help you.