Kloofzicht in Muldersdrift is one of the many fishing spots in the area. Like others it’s more geared towards fly-fishing for trout but you can also catch bass and carp. We were there for bass.
All the dams contain bass but only two can be fished using any kind of lure. The bottom Bass Dam is one of those, and is much larger, so we headed there immediately. It was a short hike down to it and Linky was rewarded straightaway with a nice little bass on a good old junebug fluke.

It was a very good beginning but it also turned out being our only bass for the day as the morning temperature started rising and the bite went off.
Still the awesome surroundings made up for the lack of fish, I can think of much worse ways of spending a Sunday morning.
This dam can also be fished for carp and while we were there this guy caught a nice one. He also caught another as we were leaving.
We headed back up to the other dams after a while. The beautiful main trophy trout dam (Kloofzicht Lake) is right in front of the lodge. To it’s side there are another two smaller dams (Mulberry Lake and Wilger Dam). Wilger Dam also allows bass fishing so we tried it for a short while without any luck.
After that we called it a day, it was time for lunch and an ice-cold beer 🙂
Spectacular lodge and scenery. The bass fishing will improve when summer returns. The main lake is beautiful and is dedicated to fly-fishing, so next time we’ll definitely bring our fly rods.
(1 day)
bass x1 (small)
Map & fishing spots