Fishing spots

1@97 Weltina(house)
Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
2Anchor Creek Marina(house)
Free StateVaal DamDeneysville
3Aqua VillaMpumalangaVaal RiverVilliers
4ArdenzaFree StateVaal DamOranjeville
GautengVaal DamVaal Marina
6Barnfires(house)Free StateVaal RiverDeneysville
7Beesplaas(cabins)Free StateWilge RiverFrankfort
8BiermansFree StateVaal DamOranjeville
9Biki Bos(houses)Free StateVaal DamFrankfort
MpumalangaVaal DamVaal Marina
11CilliersFree StateVaal DamDeneysville
12College Farm (Kollege Plaas)MpumalangaVaal RiverVilliers
13Dockside(chalets, tents)GautengVaal DamVaal Marina
14Draaifontein (Chinamans)MpumalangaVaal DamEast
15Fish 'n BietjieGautengVaal DamDeneysville
16Fisherman's Hangout(6 cabins)Free StateVaal DamFrankfort
17HeartseaseFree StateVaal DamEast
18Inloop(1 house)Free StateVaal DamFrankfort
19Lazy ViewMpumalangaVaal RiverVilliers
20Leboya BayGautengVaal DamDeneysville
21LeeuplaasFree StateVaal DamEast
22Mihanzi(cabins, huts)
Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
23Oranjeville Holiday Resort(rondawels)
Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
Free StateVaal DamEast
25Rus 'n Bietjie(caravans, park homes)
Free StateVaal DamDeneysville
26Sugar Bush Bay(cottages)
GautengVaal RiverDeneysville
27Tago(wendy house)
Free StateVaal DamSouth
28Vaal Goedehoop(cabins)
Free StateVaal DamSouth
29Vaal Rawdah(chalets)
Free StateVaal DamCentral
30Vaal Self Catering(house)Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
31Vaal Vakansie Oord(huts)
Free StateVaal RiverVilliers
32Vaaldam @ Sgt Pepper's(1 house)Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
33Van Der Walts(1 house)Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
34Van Driel'sGautengVaal DamNorth
35Van Niekerk's Rus(chalets)
GautengVaal DamDeneysville
36Visgat Adventures(hut)
GautengVaal RiverDeneysville
37WilgedraaiFree StateVaal DamOranjeville
38Wilgehoek Fisherman's Prayer(chalets, caravan)Free StateVaal DamOranjeville
39Zandfontein(huts)Free StateVaal DamFrankfort
GautengVaal DamNorth
  • South Africa’s second biggest dam by area and the fourth largest by volume
  • Dam contours
  • Impounds: Vaal River (east), Wilge River (south), Klip River (south), Molspruit (east), Leeubankspruit (south) and Grootspruit

Do you have any other fishing spots or anything useful to add about this area?

Please send it to us by either commenting below or simply mailing us at

Thanks for helping us make this page as useful as possible to the benefit of all anglers.

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Rishen

    Where can you recommend on the Vaal for decent accommodation and opportunity to catch bass and carp this weekend (11 Jan) . This is a birthday trip for my son and I really want him to catch some fish. Weather forecasts rain this weekend so not sure if this is the best weekend ?
    We are from JHB and have tried most of the commercial dams in and around here with not much success. (Muldersdrfit – all the dams, Rietvlei Alberton etc) Hence we thought the vaal maybe a better option
    Your advice would be sincerely appreciated

  2. Dawie

    Where or close to what place on the map is Tannie Grieta se plaas

    1. Martin Ferreira

      Hi Dawie,

      I searched all over other Vaal Dam maps and I eventually found it. I’ve now added Tannie Griet Se Plaas to our Vaal Dam map so please have a look again. I can’t confirm that it’s the correct location but it’s all I could find.

      Something else I learned is that it’s a club comp fishing venue only. Again I’m not sure if that’s true but it’s mentioned on another site.

      Hope that helps!

  3. Dave

    Hi Guys, hope you well? Which spots would you recommend for day trip on the Vaal dam?

  4. Waldo

    ek beplan om saam my pa oor die naweek van die 27-29ste mei te gaan visvang , maar ons sukkel verskriklik om n plek te kry met n chalet vir 5 mense wat komberse verskaf. Het julle enige opsies ?, so naby as moontlik aan pretoria vir n redelike prys ?

    1. Martin Ferreira

      Hi Waldo,

      Wat is julle budget?
      Hoe ver is julle bereid om te ry?

      Daar is regtig verskriklik baie plekke om van te kies maar gebaseer op wat jy alklaar genoem het (naby en nie te duur) kan jy miskien kyk na die volgende twee plekke langs die Vaal Rivier:
      Sugar Bush Bay
      Impact Self catering

      Ek glo hulle behoort komberse te voorsien. Kyk maar net op ons kaarte om die plekke te sien.


  5. Gerhardus Combrinck

    I have property on the banks of the Vaal Dam which I rent out as holiday accomodation. Excellent fishing potential!

    1. Martin Ferreira

      Hi Gerhardus, that sounds pretty good! What is your venue called? If you send us all the details and we’ll list it here as well.

      1. Randhir

        I am a big fan, I have subscribed to your channel. Awesome content. I am looking for a decent vaal dam spot for day fishing tomorrow. We fished the vaal marina a few weeks back with plenty small fish. Looking for a spot with bigger fish. Kindly advise

        1. Martin Ferreira

          Hi there,

          Sorry, this is a day late but we were away yesterday. Yeah, that’s the problem with the Vaal Dam, lots and lots of small fish. To target bigger ones maybe try some specimen gear like boilies on a hair rig. The small ones will probably still get themselves hooked but at least you have a chance of a bigger fish.

          Two places I know that people do catch bigger fish normally is Mihanzi and Fisherman’s Hangout. Maybe try them.

          Otherwise I think the schools of smaller fish will always be a problem unfortunately :-(.

    2. Philisty

      Morning Gerhardus

      Can you forward your contact details?


  6. andre

    HI , I’m looking at going fishing at the vaal dam in Feb-march 2023 when it does not rain what fishing spots do you recommend. I would prefer to camp !

    1. Martin Ferreira

      Hi Andre,
      If you’d like to camp and catch above average sized fish then we would recommend Mihanzi. We’ve never been there but it’s based on reports we’ve had over the years.
      Hope that helps…

  7. Susan

    Goeie dag
    Ek is opsoek na visvang akkomodasie naby vaaldam/oranjeville.
    Ons ry n gewone kar en wil nie graag vassit sou dit reen nie.
    Weet julle dalk van akkomodasie met n mooi grondpad of teerpad?

    1. Martin Ferreira

      Hi Susan,

      In the Oranjeville area, and with a decent road, you can probably look at Wilgehoek ( or the Oranjeville Resort (

      Also the whole Peninsula on the Vaal area north of Oranjeville should be fine in terms of roads I think. There are lots of places there too like Maraneman ( We stayed at Van der Walts but not sure if they are still operating…

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